EVU XXVII 2018 – 05 Car to motorcycle collision in an urban intersection: The importance of a CCVT footage in the accident reconstruction process

Car to motorcycle collision in an urban
intersection: The importance of a CCVT footage
in the accident reconstruction process
Leonidas Kakalis, Vasilios Tsilikis


This paper describes a collision between a car and a motorcycle analyzing all the crucial factors which led to the impact. In the absence  of reliable eyewitness, the usage of the registered video material will enlight the estimation of the motorcycle’s initial cruising speed and course and together with the rest of the evidence will produce an accurate reconstruction of a deadly accident in a conjunction.

La lettura di questo articolo è riservata ai soli Soci EVU Italia.



AutoreLeonidas Kakalis, Vasilios Tsilikis
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