EVU XXV 2016 – 33 Possibilities and boundaries in analyzing vehicle sensor systems for the purpose of accident reconstruction

Possibilities and boundaries in analyzing
vehicle sensor systems for the purpose
of accident reconstruction
Tobias Weißert-Hartmann, Michael Weyde, Björn Kurzke


Up-to date vehicles have their status data continuously recorded by ride dynamics sensors and at least
temporary stored to be able to guarantee the function of currently common security and driver assistance systems. If an authorized expert has access to these ride dynamics data then his/her task is to
process it such that conclusions about vehicle movement can be derived therefrom. A comparison of
values furnished by internal ride dynamics sensors with those measured by well-established reference
measuring instruments within the scope of this study shows that ride dynamics sensor values are able
to furnish important reference points about vehicle movement before collision that in traditional accident reconstructions are usually determined by estimation only.

La lettura di questo articolo è riservata ai soli Soci EVU Italia

AutoreTobias Weißert-Hartmann, Michael Weyde, Björn Kurzke
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