EVU XXV 2016 – 32 Indeterminate results of time-distance calculations and their statistical interpretation

Indeterminate results of time-distance
calculations and their statistical interpretation
Wojciech Wach
Institute of Forensic Research, Kraków


The time-distance analysis of pre-impact phase is the key to determining the cause of an accident and
possibilities to avoid it. Taking into account the data uncertainties it allows the expert to discover all
potentially possible solutions. The paper presents a simple way of interpretation of the results, facilitating the formulation of conclusions in a situation when the mathematical solution given in wide tolerance band covers opposing answers (e.g. “the driver could have avoided an accident” versus “the driver could not have avoided an accident”). As a result, it is possible to embrace these results by drawing the conclusion: “x% solutions indicate the possibility of avoiding an accident” or in qualitative terms: “the vast majority of solutions indicate the possibility of avoiding an accident”

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AutoreWojciech Wach Institute of Forensic Research, Kraków
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