EVU XXV 2016 – 15 Deceleration of current generation of road vehicles during intensive braking and conditionality of accident quantities with respect to this parameter

Deceleration of current generation of road
vehicles during intensive braking and
conditionality of accident quantities with
respect to this parameter
Pavol Kohút
University of Žilina, IFRE
Rastislav Jurina
Ján Ondruš
University of Žilina, PEDAS


The article deals with issues of vehicle braking from different points of view. Both from methodical aspect of measuring process as well as from statistical and accuracy aspects. We made repeated braking tests of modern vehicles during intensive braking on various asphalt surfaces with the goal to evaluate character of this random variable from statistical point of view. We dedicated our attention also to the accuracy attainable using various measuring methods and equipment. Within measurement of braking
deceleration we used low-end measuring devices, measuring devices most used in Slovakia as well as
measuring and evaluation instrument Correvit. Repeated measure-ments of braking deceleration during
intensive deceleration were evaluated using methods of mathematical statistics – hypothesis testing.
Usable result from article is mainly measurement set of braking deceleration of current modern vehicles
during intensive braking on various asphalt surfaces as well as evaluation of accuracy levels with respect
to various used devices and measurement methods.

La lettura di questo articolo è riservata ai soli Soci EVU Italia

AutorePavol Kohút University of Žilina, IFRE Rastislav Jurina Expertgroup Ján Ondruš University of Žilina, PEDAS
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