EVU XXIV 2015 – 26 Viewing behaviour as an accident cause – typical potential risks for pedestrians

Viewing behaviour as an accident cause
– typical potential risks for pedestrians
Ernst Pfleger


The results of the Viewpointsystem viewing analyses show significant visual-physiological
differences in the viewing behaviour and the viewing strategy between the elderly,
children or adolescents and grown-up “business people”. The visualisation videos
objectively show the viewing strategy of participants with respect to potential restrictions in
movement or medical impairments. In cases where multiple factors occur at the same
time, a compensation for information overload is impossible, and the accident risk
increases considerably. The results of objective viewing visualisations can be used
directly by certified experts for the analysis of accident causes and accident contexts.
Additionally, the results of the Viewpointsystem viewing analyses should be used in risk
awareness training.

La lettura di questo articolo è riservata ai soli Soci EVU Italia

AutoreErnst Pfleger
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