EVU XXIV 2015 – 22 Analysis of yaw marks deposited by the car’s wheel with nominal and zero tyre pressure

Analysis of yaw marks deposited by the car’s
wheel with nominal and zero tyre pressure
Jakub Zębala, Wojciech Wach,
Piotr Ciępka, Robert Janczur


This article presents the results of an analysis of the yaw marks left by a car with nominal
pressure in all tyres and with zero pressure in one rear tyre. The analysis is a continuation
of research on the influence of reduced tyre pressure on car lateral dynamics in a passing
manoeuvre, discussed at the XXII EVU Conference in Florence. Apart from the
determination of vehicle critical speed on the basis of yaw mark curvature commonly used
in road accident reconstruction, a new method is applied in the analysis. In this method
the slip angle and longitudinal slip of the wheel can be determined on the basis of the
geometry of the striations which are an integral element of yaw marks. The aim of the
research was reached by performing bench and road tests. Next, the results of
calculations done on the basis of yaw marks geometrical features are compared with the
real values known from the measurements of car motion parameters.

La lettura di questo articolo è riservata ai soli Soci EVU Italia

AutoreJakub Zębala, Wojciech Wach, Piotr Ciępka, Robert Janczur
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